Tips and Tricks to ace the Dental Admissions Test and get into Dental School!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Factors are Considered in Dental School Admissions?

This is most definitely a question that has been in the mind of a pre-dental student at one point in time.
The following items are all factors that are considered when you submit your application through AADSAS, and things you should work on building and improving if possible:

  1. GPA - Your Science GPA and Overall GPA are just two of many ways that AADSAS will calculate your GPA. Check out their page on GPA calculations HERE.
  2. DAT Scores - A standardized criteria used to judge applicants to dental schools. Scoring well on this can validate a strong GPA or invalidate a weak GPA (to a certain extent). 
  3. Extra Curricular Activities - Community Service, Clubs, Sports, Hobbies, Academic Awards, Research, etc. Activities that develop your manual dexterity and hand eye coordination are especially useful since dentistry requires this.
  4. Shadowing - Try to shadow a general dentist and at least a couple specialists. You want to get your feet wet in the field that you will potentially be in for a large part of your life. It's also great seeing the variety of ways different dentists do to accomplish the
  5. Letters of Recommendation - Serves as an objective portrayal of who you are. This year, AADSAS limits applicants to 4 individual letters of recommendation or 1 committee letter + 1 individual letter.
  6. Personal Statement - Explain why want to be a dentist. 
  7. The Interview - Your chance to show dental schools who you are and why you are interested in dentistry and their school.

Getting into dental school is a very competitive process. Make sure to maximize your chances by working on the aforementioned factors! It is never too early to begin preparing!

1 comment:

  1. This is most definitely a question that has been in the mind of a pre-dental student at one point in time.
    Thanks for Newmarket Dentist.


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Also feel free to ask any questions you have about the DAT and applying to Dental School and I will get back to you ASAP!